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Proposed modifications to rules list.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 11:33 am
by Bean
Our rule-making/enforcing is mostly precedent-based and much of it may have caprice, vagueness, or other sketchiness going against it. I posted this in the mod lounge, but why not get feedback here too.

I propose:

a. That Rules get top billing along with rankings etc in the forums menu bar and under in the game interface. Currently there is not a working link under "help" in the game menu. It should be a working link. In the forums, it is nested within "docs'" which is not consistent with its importance.
b. That we add to the rules so there is a clear reference for persuasion and enforcement as needed and enforcement is explained. This will make the moderation log more clear too. "general asshattery" is not against the rules at present, but is a common moderation log entry.
c. That this be a rule: No asshatting, suiciding, or boardflipping. This rule basically forbids behavior directed at harming others with no chance or intention of gaining a higher ranking in the game.
d. That this be a clause in the rules replacing #10 (which just expresses unnecessary caprice): #10: Enforcement: Moderators endeavor to enforce these rules using persuasion, warnings, boots, bans, mutes, and suspensions as appropriate in their judgment.
e. That we add this to rule #3: Attacking the person instead of focusing on their reasoning, or belaboring a complaint when mutually respectful deliberation has broken down, is verbal aggression and is to be avoided. Veterans bullying new players in this way is particularly against the spirit of these rules.

These are relatively minor and not the beginning of some huge list of rule adds and changes. I think they could help a lot. Now that i've been a mod a couple years, I know the most common lame stuff that goes on is about a. verbal aggression, and b. asshatting (playing to hurt instead of win).