Feature Idea--"Invite"/[command] & ?--Changing

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Feature Idea--"Invite"/[command] & ?--Changing

Post by Nikolas » Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:56 am

Say, a /[command] that would post to all open internet games an invitation to join the person hosting -- it could just say '[someone] is hosting such-and-such a game' or some general informational statement so that it wouldn't be abused to blanket everyone with chatter.

Thank you for the new version. Doesn't seem to crash as much ---I still find it best to only change (vote off) maps after one is fully loaded.

tony nickles

p.s. -- Additionally, I wanted to ask if, when one is hosting a game, is the host able to Apple-N/alter the game being hosted (number/type of players, random/placed, the world) while still maintaining everyone that has joined?

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Post by dustin » Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:11 am

The /invite command would require too much technical work to be feasable. In order to echo in every game Lux would have to retrive the list of all games, pretend to join each one as a player and then say the invite. SO I don't think it will happen.

I am pretty sure that if you apple-n and change the options then the new settings will take effect when the next game is started. It wouldn't be that hard to test if you want to make sure.

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Post by Nikolas » Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:22 pm

Actually, I found that if you are hosting a game, you can still "Join Network Game" (Apple-J) and another window opens up (the Join-a-Game window) and you can join other games and chat with the people in those games, so you could invite/recruit people that way.

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Post by dustin » Fri Nov 28, 2003 12:25 am

Yes, that is true. You can play in as many games at a time as you want (and host one).

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