Congratulations on being inducted into the 2018 Lux Hall of Fame!
imapickle''s player page
▉ dustin: both epic online players
▉ dustin: next up we have a #2 lifetime seed
▉ dustin: a #2 lifetime seed
▉ dustin: as well as forum stallwart
▉ dustin: FH Percentage: 21.26%
▉ dustin: 5 weekly win awards
▉ dustin: ...
▉ dustin: imapickle
▉ dustin: !!!!
▉ Deep Blue: nice
▉ PjB: yeah the pickle man
▉ Milltycoon: Congratulations, Pickle!
▉ GFips: pickled congrats!
▉ jelly: is he really a pickle
▉ PjB: yes
▉ Deep Blue: <<<Congrats>>> Picle!
▉ dustin: he is really a pickle