War Zone - China Map
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War Zone - China

Inspired by Mark Bauer's U.S.A. War Zone map!

WAR ZONE - China:

2057. For 50 years, China has grown at an exponential rate in technology, industry and military might. Allowed to go unchecked, China has developed next-generation weapons capable of destroying any nation on Earth. They have surpassed the United States and become the world's sole "superpower".

With this new power, China begins wielding their influence throughout the world. They spread communism in the third world. They prop up foreign governments. And when they openly topple a few democratic nations to replace them with Chinese sympathizers, the remaining world democracies had had enough.

The president of the United States, George Bush III, decides to invade! He then looks for support, and finds it from China's neighbors, Russia to the North and India to the South. And against common wisdom, the U.S. begins a full scale land war in Asia.

The First U.S. Division, based out of the Phillipines, attacks the Southeast, targetting Hong Kong and Taiwan (reclaimed by the Chinese military in 2016). The Second Division, operating out of South Korea, attacks from the Northeast. The Indian Army focuses on capturing Tibet, while the Russian Federation Army moves in across Mongolia in the north.

Will the invading forces win, or will China hold firm? It is WAR ZONE: China!

Game notes:
- Rivers can only be crossed where marked by a bridge.
- The Great Wall of China can not be crossed.
- Cities marked with a pagoda icon provide reinforcement armies. The larger the icon, the larger the bonus.
- The two US divisions are linked by a US Navy fleet. The fleet has no income bonus.

Update history:
v1.1: adjusts U.S. Army II 101st Airborne to directly attack Shanghai to provide greater income potential.

Created by RandomGuy. Version 1.1 released September 7, 2007.

War Zone - China is a Map for the game Lux Delux.

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