Game (#3639) finished September 27th 2023 7:55 PM using map Mexican Revolution hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 45 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r on team Convencionistas Polymath = Porfirio Diaz on team Felicistas ♖ Darwinn3r = Zapatistas on team Convencionistas ♞ Andreas = Division del Norte on team Convencionistas ♞ Kodos = Francisco Madero on team Maderistas ♛ Polymath = Venustiano Carranza on team Carrancistas ♰ Kodos = United States on team United States ★
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Game (#3638) finished September 27th 2023 7:09 PM using map Extreme Hex Lords hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 1 hours 22 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r and Hawk on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists Andreas = Voxley on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Hawk = Vodi on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Darwinn3r = Vixen on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Mim on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Macro on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Kodos = Muse on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Kodos = Lace on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Kodos = Lore on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Hawk = Lilly on team Black Forest Trillians ♞
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Game (#3637) finished September 26th 2023 3:13 PM using map Extreme Great Britain hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 3 hours 59 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r on team 6 Hawk = South-West forces on team 1 ♕ Hawk = South-East forces on team 2 ♖ Polymath = East-Anglia forces on team 3 ♗ Polymath = East-Midlands' army on team 4 ♘ Kodos = Welsh resistance on team 5 ♞ Polymath = West-Midlands' army on team 4 ♘ Darwinn3r = North-West forces on team 6 ♙ Andreas = North-East forces on team 6 ♙ Kodos = Yorkshire and Humberside rebels on team 7 ♚
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Game (#3636) finished September 26th 2023 10:28 AM using map THE GREAT WAR hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 47 minutes. Won by: Darwinn3r and Andreas and Hawk on team Central Powers Darwinn3r = German Empire on team Central Powers ✠ Andreas = Austro-Hungarian Empire on team Central Powers ✠ Hawk = Ottoman Empire on team Central Powers ✠ Kodos = France & Allies on team Allied (Entente) Powers ★ Polymath = United Kingdom & Allies on team Allied (Entente) Powers ★ Polymath = Russia & Allies on team Allied (Entente) Powers ★ Hawk = Italy & Allies on team Allied (Entente) Powers ★ Polymath = Romania on team Allied (Entente) Powers ★
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Game (#3635) finished September 24th 2023 7:49 PM using map KHAN MONGOL EMPIRE hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 1 hours 23 minutes. Won by: Darwinn3r and Andreas and Kodos on team The Khanates Hawk = The Great Khan on team Empire of the Great Khan ♛ Andreas = Il-Khanate on team The Khanates ♞ Kodos = Chagatai Khanate on team The Khanates ♞ Darwinn3r = Golden Horde on team The Khanates ♞ Kodos = Delhi Sultunate on team Unconquered Empires ♟ Hawk = Mamluk Sultanate on team Unconquered Empires ♟ Kodos = Novgorod & Rus' on team Unconquered Empires ♟ Kodos = Khmer Empire on team Unconquered Empires ♟
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Game (#3634) finished September 24th 2023 6:24 PM using map Crimean War hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 21 minutes. Won by: Darwinn3r and Hawk and Andreas on team Allies Kodos = Russia on team Russian Empire ♛ Polymath = Greek Rebels on team Russian Empire ♛ Hawk = Ottoman Empire on team Allies ☪ Darwinn3r = England on team Allies ☪ Andreas = France on team Allies ☪ Hawk = Austria on team Austrian Empire ♝
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Game (#3633) finished September 24th 2023 6:02 PM using map Hex Barons hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 32 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r on team The 2 Dukes Kodos = King Voxley III on team The Shiring Circle ♖ Hawk = Queen Waleran on team League of Steel ♞ Polymath = Leo Lionhart on team League of Steel ♞ Andreas = Duke Oxnorth on team The 2 Dukes ♚ Darwinn3r = Duke Devro on team The 2 Dukes ♚
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Game (#3632) finished September 24th 2023 5:29 PM using map Civil War-Pea Ridge hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 12 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r on team Army of the Southwest Andreas = Gen. Curtis on team Army of the Southwest ★ Darwinn3r = Gen. Sigel on team Army of the Southwest ★ Kodos = Gen. McCulloch on team Army of the West ⚔ Polymath = Maj. Gen. Van Dorn on team Army of the West ⚔
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Game (#3631) finished September 24th 2023 5:15 PM using map Civil War-Pea Ridge hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 13 minutes. Won by: Darwinn3r and Andreas on team Army of the West Kodos = Gen. Curtis on team Army of the Southwest ★ Polymath = Gen. Sigel on team Army of the Southwest ★ Andreas = Gen. McCulloch on team Army of the West ⚔ Darwinn3r = Maj. Gen. Van Dorn on team Army of the West ⚔
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Game (#3630) finished September 24th 2023 5:01 PM using map WW2 Pacific hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 48 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r and Polymath and Polymath on team Allied Powers Polymath = U.S.A on team Allied Powers ★ Darwinn3r = U.K. on team Allied Powers ★ Andreas = Australia on team Allied Powers ★ Polymath = China on team Allied Powers ★ Hawk = Japanese Army on team Empire of Japan ☀ Hawk = Imperial Navy on team Empire of Japan ☀