Game (#3629) finished September 24th 2023 3:09 PM using map WW2 Pacific hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 18 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r on team Empire of Japan Hawk = U.S.A on team Allied Powers ★ Polymath = U.K. on team Allied Powers ★ Kodos = Australia on team Allied Powers ★ Hawk = China on team Allied Powers ★ Andreas = Japanese Army on team Empire of Japan ☀ Darwinn3r = Imperial Navy on team Empire of Japan ☀
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Game (#3628) finished September 24th 2023 2:45 PM using map Roman Empire hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 1 hours 12 minutes. Won by: Darwinn3r and Andreas on team Germanic Tribes Kodos = Romans on team Roman Empire ★ Hawk = Carthage on team Carthage ♒ Kodos = Parthians on team Parthian Empire ♞ Hawk = Visigoths on team Slavic Tribes ♁ Kodos = Vandals on team Slavic Tribes ♁ Andreas = Saxons on team Germanic Tribes ☿ Darwinn3r = Franks on team Germanic Tribes ☿
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Game (#3627) finished September 17th 2023 6:33 PM using map WW2 Europe - CTF hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 33 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Hawk and Darwinn3r on team Axis Powers Polymath = U.S.S.R. on team Allied Powers ★ Hawk = U.K. on team Allied Powers ★ Hawk = U.S.A. on team Allied Powers ★ Andreas = Germany on team Axis Powers ✠ Darwinn3r = Italy on team Axis Powers ✠ Hawk = Romania on team Axis Powers ✠
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Game (#3626) finished September 17th 2023 5:54 PM using map The Crusades hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 36 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r and Holdem on team Roman Catholics Andreas = Barbarossa on team Roman Catholics † Holdem = Phillip II on team Roman Catholics † Darwinn3r = Lionheart on team Roman Catholics † Grabby = Isaac II on team Eastern Orthodox Ф Earl = Saladin on team Muslims ☪ Grabby = Kilij Arslan on team Muslims ☪ Grabby = Toghrul III on team Muslims ☪ Grabby = Crusader States on team Kingdom of Jerusalem ♚
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Game (#3625) finished February 14th 2023 12:23 AM using map American Civil War hosted by Kierny. The game lasted for 41 minutes. Won by: Kierny and Azazel and Bubbles on team United States of America Azazel = Grant on team United States of America ★ Kierny = Sherman on team United States of America ★ Bubbles = McClellan on team United States of America ★ Bubbles = Bragg on team Confederate States of America ⚔ Bubbles = Johnston on team Confederate States of America ⚔ Bubbles = Lee on team Confederate States of America ⚔
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Game (#3624) finished February 10th 2023 4:01 AM using map World War II hosted by Kierny. The game lasted for 33 minutes. Won by: Grabby and Holdem and Grabby on team The Allied Powers Azazel = Germany on team Axis Powers - Achsenmächte-枢軸国 ✠ Kierny = Japan on team Axis Powers - Achsenmächte-枢軸国 ✠ Grabby = U.S.A. on team The Allied Powers ★ Grabby = U.K. on team The Allied Powers ★ Holdem = U.S.S.R. on team The Allied Powers ★
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Game (#3623) finished January 5th 2023 9:48 PM using map Extreme Hex Lords hosted by Turtle. The game lasted for 2 hours 45 minutes. Won by: Turtle and cake and Polymath on team Bloody Hearts of Beating Polymath = Voxley on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Vodi on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Vixen on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Mim on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Macro on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Muse on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Lace on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Polymath = Lore on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Polymath = Lilly on team Black Forest Trillians ♞
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Game (#3622) finished January 4th 2023 5:49 PM using map Extreme Hex Lords hosted by Turtle. The game lasted for 2 hours 7 minutes. Won by: Turtle and Polymath and Polymath on team Daring Depeche Perfectors Polymath = Voxley on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Vodi on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Vixen on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Mim on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ cake = Macro on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Muse on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Lace on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Polymath = Lore on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Polymath = Lilly on team Black Forest Trillians ♞
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Game (#3621) finished January 4th 2023 2:32 AM using map Extreme Hex Lords hosted by Turtle. The game lasted for 1 hours 21 minutes. Won by: cake and Turtle and Polymath on team Serious Spilliard Simulationators Polymath = Voxley on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Vodi on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Vixen on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Mim on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Macro on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Muse on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Lace on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Polymath = Lore on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Polymath = Lilly on team Black Forest Trillians ♞
Chart data has been stored, graph coming soon...
Game (#3620) finished December 28th 2022 1:31 AM using map Ancient China hosted by Turtle. The game lasted for 1 hours 32 minutes. Won by: Turtle on team Chu Polymath = Zhou on team Zhou ♚ Polymath = Qin on team Qin ♞ Polymath = Shu on team Shu ‡ Polymath = Han on team Han ϟ cake = Yan on team Yan ☯ Polymath = Qi on team Qi ♒ Turtle = Chu on team Chu ⚔