Game (#3637) finished September 26th 2023 3:13 PM using map Extreme Great Britain hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 3 hours 59 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r on team 6 Hawk = South-West forces on team 1 ♕ Hawk = South-East forces on team 2 ♖ Polymath = East-Anglia forces on team 3 ♗ Polymath = East-Midlands' army on team 4 ♘ Kodos = Welsh resistance on team 5 ♞ Polymath = West-Midlands' army on team 4 ♘ Darwinn3r = North-West forces on team 6 ♙ Andreas = North-East forces on team 6 ♙ Kodos = Yorkshire and Humberside rebels on team 7 ♚