Game (#3638) finished September 27th 2023 7:09 PM using map Extreme Hex Lords hosted by Andreas. The game lasted for 1 hours 22 minutes. Won by: Andreas and Darwinn3r and Hawk on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists Andreas = Voxley on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Hawk = Vodi on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Darwinn3r = Vixen on team Voxley Royalists and Loyalists § Polymath = Mim on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Polymath = Macro on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Kodos = Muse on team Mimacuse Forest Cultural Community ♪ Kodos = Lace on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Kodos = Lore on team Black Forest Trillians ♞ Hawk = Lilly on team Black Forest Trillians ♞